

【CRI】XI Jinping Visits China's Leading SciTech University


 The photo shows Chinese President Xi Jinping visits the Institute of Advanced Technology in University of Science and Technology of China based in Hefei, east China's Anhui province on April 26, 2016, where he was introduced to different innovative technologies. [Photo: Xinhua]


 The photo shows Chinese President Xi Jinping visits the University of Science and Technology of China based in Hefei, east China's Anhui province on April 26, 2016, where he was introduced to different innovative technologies. [Photo: Xinhua]


The photo shows Chinese President Xi Jinping visits the University of Science and Technology of China based in Hefei, east China's Anhui province on April 26, 2016, where he was introduced to different innovative technologies. [Photo: Xinhua]


Chinese President Xi Jinping communicates with staff from research centers at the University of Science and Technology of China based in Hefei, east China's Anhui province on April 26, 2016. During his visit there, he fully confirmed their work as "very promising and very important". [Photo: Xinhua]


Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with students and staff at the University of Science and Technology of China based in Hefei, east China's Anhui province on April 26, 2016. [Photo: Xinhua]

Source: CRI, 2016-04-27, http://english.cri.cn/12394/2016/04/27/3561s925669_1.htm

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